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2016 Executive Board Nominations Result

THANK YOU, THANK YOU and THANK YOU to all those who have nominated. We understand that these nominations have been extremely challenging to some of you for the simple reason that you know very little about where everyone is at in terms of skills and expertise. In fact this has prevented quite a lot of you from nominating which is understandable.

We could have done this the simple way by putting an ad hoc committee together to drive the association forward without following due democratic process, but history tells us that this approach rarely works. So instead we have opted for doing things differently by making sure that everyone has has a voice in the process.

As we make steady but real progress in building something that we can all be proud off, we must always have at the back of our minds that the path to success is never straightforward and that obstacles will surface, often times blocking the way along our path to our vision. However, to succeed we must be prepared to muster the effort to overcome these potential obstacles.

Analysis and Decisions

Twenty two people have participated in the nominations and given that there are about 80 participants on our WhatsApp and Skype forum, this represent about 25% percent of total turnout which is quite impressive giving we are in the early stages of this journey.

The open nature of the nominations meant that people could nominate for anyone they so wish to and this has presented a number of challenges in coming with a system that is unbiased and reflect how people voted. For example, a Person X is nominated for Position A and the same person is nominated for Position B. In addition, as I alluded to earlier, the general lack of knowledge about the skills and expertise of the group meant that a lot of nominations were recycled and this has somewhat restricted the total number of nominees. To overcome these challenges, we have made few decisions:

1. Elections for roles that have a Deputy positions will be combined into single election and three people from these two categories will stand for election. The person with the most vote will hold the top position and the one with the second highest will become the deputy.

2. The roles of Secretary General and Digital Media Coordinator are combined due to lack of participation.

3. For roles that do not have a Deputy or Assistant positions, only two candidates will stand for election.

Result for nominations are as follows:

Election Summary

The table below list the candidates that have received the highest nominations and are therefore drafted in to stand for the General Elections.

Nest Step

Elections for Executive positions will open on Monday the 18th of April 2016 and will run through to Friday the 22nd of April 2016. We assume that all nominees listed in the table above are happy to stand for elections. However, should anyone wish to opt out, please kindly contact us in good time so that we can take necessary steps.

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